Don't let remodelling your bathroom turn into a nightmare. Our team of experts have the expertise and tools to assist you in your bathroom remodelling needs. Reach us at (604) 828 8000 to schedule an appointment. Click here to access our online discounts and specials.
Remodelling your bathroom can turn into a nightmare pretty quickly, because of all the complexities that are involved. However, we at 911 Rooter make sure that you do not have to worry about any of that.
Our plumbers and remodelling experts will make your job easier. Just tell us what you want done, and we will figure out the most cost effective way to do it, but without compromising on quality and durability.
If you are perfectly happy with your existing bathroom, you may not need to do any remodelling at all. The most common reasons cited by our customers for such a project include:
Our plumbers are trained to deal with every aspect of bathroom remodelling including rewiring, repiping, tiling and installation of new equipment including showers, faucets, water heaters, and bath tubs.
If you just want to upgrade your existing bathroom, you may not need to dig into your plumbing system. We will simply replace those parts that are problematic. This will fix most of your issues such as leaks and reduced water pressure. Our staff will be able to complete your remodelling in a day or two.
If you are changing the shape and size of your bathroom, we will reroute pipes and wires to accommodate new fixtures, and remove older ones. This is usually a more time consuming job, but you will be glad to know that we have got a very efficient group of technicians and plumbers to handle it for you.
In the process, we also inspect your pipes and determine if they need replacing with newer PEX and copper pipes. We have found that bathrooms that have not been remodelled for over 15 years should be replaced, as the chances of developing leakages and reduced water pressure are greater with old piping systems.
One of the most common jobs that our customers in the Metro Vancouver area request from us at 911 Rooter is bath tub replacements. Call us for replacement if:
While bathtub leaks can be fixed without replacing, we recommend our customers to outright replace them. This is because a single leak is an indication that the fiberglass that the tub is made of is weakening after years of use.
There is a greater chance of leaks developing at other areas as well. You may then have to spend more money fixing future leaks, than installing a new one.
You may want to replace your shower because of plumbing problems or purely due to aesthetic reasons. Both are very sound reasons to upgrade your shower, and they will benefit you for years to come.
Older shower walls have a top layer that is less water resistant than newer backer boards, and as a result they become loose more quickly. This can cause lower water pressure and also leaks. In this case, we recommend that you replace your shower with one of the newer models. These will last you for many years.
Many customers also simply want a larger shower, because the existing one has either too little pressure, or is not wide enough. This is most commonly the case when you upgrade from a smaller to a more spacious bathroom. You may also want a smaller one if you are going for a bathtub shower combination.
911 Rooter is ready to serve you with anything that is related to bathroom remodelling. We are very particular about the quality and safety of the equipment we provide. We install only the lasting and safe fixtures for children and adults alike.
Please give us a call if you to remodel your home in Greater Vancouver. We will gladly analyse your requirements, and give you an appropriate quote.
The proper installation of plumbing and fixture placement is important for both safety and aesthetics. Contact us at (604) 828 8000 to schedule a consultation.